General Information


Speaker Highlights

West Virginia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Annual Conference & Expo (ACE) 2025

Thursday April 3, 2025
10:15 am-3:45 pm Food for Thought, Food for Health: Rooted in Appalachia Workshop| 4.5 CPE Sponsored by: The American Dairy Association Mideast and Pierpont Community and Technical College
5:30 pm - 7:30 pmNetworking and WVAND Awards | Grazing Board/Charcuterie | Guided Painting Activity, Sponsored By: HCSG
Friday April 4, 2025
8:00 am - 4:15 pmAnnual Conference & Expo| 6.5 CPE
CPE’s are contingent on approval. Thursday’s Pre-Conference will satisfy the required Ethics CEU 1.0

White Hall Event Center | 2600 Middletown Commons, Suite 128, Fairmont, WV 26554 |
White Hall Event Center is located in the Middletown Commons plaza.


General Meeting Information
The West Virginia Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics Annual Conference & Expo (ACE) provides attendees with an engaging educational experience, showcasing updates in the field, and highlighting areas impacting the Mountain State. The broad range of conference sessions will be of interest to Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN), Nutrition and Dietetic Technicians, Registered (NDTR), and other allied health professionals in health care, public health, school nutrition, sports nutrition, nonprofit organizations and individuals involved with nutrition focused health outcomes.

Continuing Professional Education Units (CPEU)
The WVAND ACE program will provide CPEUs for registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs), registered dietitians (RDs), nutrition and dietetics technicians, registered (NDTRs), and dietetic technicians, registered (DTRs). Approval for a maximum of 11.0 CPEUs has been requested from the Commission on Dietetic Registration.

2025 WVAND ACE Registration Fees

Preconference Workshop (Thursday Only) 4.5 CPEAnnual Conference (Friday Only) 6.5 CPEPreconference Workshop and Annual Conference (Thursday, Evening Event and Friday) 11 CPENetworking & Award Event Only (Thursday Evening)
Active Member$100$150$200$25
Retired/Student Member$20$35$35$20

Thursday, lunch/food tasting included in registration fees.
Friday mid-morning snacks and lunch are included in registration fees.

There is a block of rooms reserved for WVAND at Holiday Inn Express and Suites (2256 Landing Lane, Fairmont, WV 26554. 304-816-5133; Price reserved at $108.00 per night - use code WVD).

Cancellation Policy
It is the policy of the West Virginia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (WVAND) to provide an equitable refund in the event that a registrant cannot attend the WVAND Annual Conference and Expo (ACE). Certain costs, including but not limited to, transaction fees, food costs, and meeting room costs, are incurred by WVAND and will be recovered as follows below:
  • Requests for refunds received prior to the registration deadline date will include a 20% cancellation fee.
  • Requests for refunds received after the registration deadline date will include a 50% cancellation fee.
Students, interns and retirees receive a discounted registration fee that only covers meals and snacks, there will be no refund after the registration deadline. The registration deadline date will be posted on the WVAND website and may vary year to year pending venue and food contracts.