WVAND Board Members June 1, 2022 - May 31, 2023

WVAND Board Meetings

All WVAND members are welcome to join WVAND Board of Directors meetings. If interested, please contact WVAND Secretary (secretary@eatrightwv.org) at least one week in advance of the meeting to ensure you are provided with the agenda and connecting information.

West Virginia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Board


Linda St. Clair, MS, RDN, LD, CDCES
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The President will serve for one (1) year. The President will: 1. Serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the West Virginia Academy and Chair of the Board and the Executive Committee. 2. Preside at all meetings of the membership, Board and Executive Committee. 3. Have the general powers of supervision and active management usually vested in that office. 4. See that all lawful orders and resolutions of the Board are carried out. 5. Serve as a member of the Finance and Advisory Committees. 6. Serve as a member of all committees of the Board. 7. Approve committee members appointed by committee chairs as specified in Article IX, Section 1B. 8. Make the following appointments subject to the approval of the Executive Committee: a. One member of the Finance Committee. b. Two members of the Advisory Committee. c. Tellers. 9. Appoint, after obtaining the approval of the Executive Committee, a qualified member to fill the unexpired term of any and all vacancies as specified in Article VIII, Section 9. 10. Replace persons unable to fulfill the responsibilities of the appointment arising in any committee. 11. Ensure that the West Virginia Academy's strategic direction and values are carried into effect except in those instances in which those responsibilities are specifically assigned to another officer.

Linda recently retired from the WV Department of Education’s Office of Child Nutrition (OCN). She currently works part-time at West Virginia Health Right, Inc., in Charleston, where she provides outpatient MNT for the clinic’s clientele. She also works as a subject matter expert at PrimeroEdge, assisting with the development of child nutrition program management software.

Prior to working at the Office of Child Nutrition, Linda held a variety of positions in the nutrition and dietetics field. She worked as a clinical dietitian at Monongalia General Hospital in Morgantown and Highland Hospital in Charleston; a WIC nutritionist in Morgantown; program director for weight management clinics at the WVU Department of Medicine and Charleston Area Medical Center; Nutrition and Health Extension specialist at West Virginia State University; and was an adjunct nutrition professor at the University of Charleston. Long before all those jobs, she was a ride operator at Cedar Point Amusement Park for two summers in the 1970s. Linda grew up on a working farm in Putnam County, WV.

Linda earned both her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from West Virginia University. She is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist (RDN), a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDCES) and a School Nutrition Specialist (SNS).


Stephanie Thompson, MS, RD
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The President will serve for one (1) year. The President will: 1. Serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the West Virginia Academy and Chair of the Board and the Executive Committee. 2. Preside at all meetings of the membership, Board and Executive Committee. 3. Have the general powers of supervision and active management usually vested in that office. 4. See that all lawful orders and resolutions of the Board are carried out. 5. Serve as a member of the Finance and Advisory Committees. 6. Serve as a member of all committees of the Board. 7. Approve committee members appointed by committee chairs as specified in Article IX, Section 1B. 8. Make the following appointments subject to the approval of the Executive Committee: a. One member of the Finance Committee. b. Two members of the Advisory Committee. c. Tellers. 9. Appoint, after obtaining the approval of the Executive Committee, a qualified member to fill the unexpired term of any and all vacancies as specified in Article VIII, Section 9. 10. Replace persons unable to fulfill the responsibilities of the appointment arising in any committee. 11. Ensure that the West Virginia Academy's strategic direction and values are carried into effect except in those instances in which those responsibilities are specifically assigned to another officer.

Stephanie is from Princeton, West Virginia who graduated from West Virginia University with her Bachelor’s in Human Nutrition and Foods and her Master’s in Nutritional and Food Science. She then completed her Dietetic Internship with Marshall University Distance Internship Program in June 2018. After her internship, Stephanie began working with Keegan and Associates Inc. as a Consultant Dietitian where she continues to work.

Past President

Heidi Church, MS, RD, LD
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1. The President-elect will serve for one year and at the close of the current fiscal year, after election, will automatically become President of the West Virginia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2. The President-elect will succeed to the office of President in the case of a vacancy in that office and then will serve as President until the end of the second fiscal year after said vacancy occurs. The President-elect will have been a member of the Board within three years immediately proceeding the term as President-elect. The President-elect will: 1. Become acquainted with all the duties of the President and other officers. 2. Become familiar with the duties of each committee. 3. Perform the functions of President in the absence of the President. 4. Serve as a member of the Finance and Advisory Committees. 5. Appoint, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee co-chairs (as needed) of committees who will serve as chair during the President-elect's term as President. 6. Serve as alternate delegate. 7. Support the President in leading the West Virginia Academy toward its strategic direction and values. Present a written proposal for the strategic plan and budget for term as President for approval by the Board.

Heidi Church, MS, RD, LDN received her undergraduate degree from Ball State University in Muncie, IN and her masters/AP4 from The Ohio State University. She also completed a Neonatal/Pediatric Nutrition Fellowship at Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis. She lives in Meadow Bridge where she is works as a consultant for the Maternal and Child Health Nutrition Training Grantees and Emerging Nutrition Leaders in MCH Nutrition program and as a renal dietitian for Fresenius Kidney Care. Heidi's experience includes 8 years working at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in Chicago, IL where she built effective relationships with members, leaders, staff, and other key groups by providing support to the Academy's Nominating Committee, House of Delegates, and Ethics Committee. She has served as the Council on Professional Issues Chair/Chair-elect for WVAND and has been integral in the 2020 WVAND Bylaws update. During her free time, Heidi likes gardening, food preservation, quilting, fishing and going for walks with her two dogs and husband.


Jessica Runyon, MS, RD, LD, CNSC
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The Treasurer will serve for two years. The Treasurer will: 1. Receive and have custody of all funds and securities of the West Virginia Academy. 2. Deposit all moneys in the depositories, as may be designated by the Board. 3. Sign and execute all contracts in the name of the West Virginia Academy when countersigned by the President. 4. Be responsible for keeping full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements. 5. Render a financial report to the members of the Finance Committee and the Board and an annual report to the membership. 6. Serve as Chair of the Finance Committee. 7. Notify the chair of each committee of the amount of money budgeted for the use of that committee. 8. The auditor(s) selected by the Finance Committee will verify the books of the Treasurer at the close of the term of office. 9. Perform other duties as designated by the Board.

Jessica received both her undergraduate and masters in Dietetics from Marshall University in Huntington, WV. After completing the internship, she continued her studies and achieved a Masters in Exercise Physiology from Marshall University. She has the privilege of working at Cabell Huntington Hospital as the Clinical Nutrition Manager. While Jess' experience in the clinical field includes 10 years of working with patients across the lifespan, the last four years have been spent serving the patients in the Intensive Care Unit, which sparked a passion for nutrition support and guided her to pass the board examination to be a Certified Nutrition Support Clinician. She works alongside and leads a great team of RDNs at Cabell. Jess has served in roles for WVAND in the past and has enjoyed building relationships within this diverse field. During her free time, Jess enjoys swimming, being physically active, and spending time with her two children and dog.


Lauren Wilson, MS, RDN, LD
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Be elected by the members, serve for two (2) years and be a voting member of the Board.

  • Assume office at the beginning of the new Fiscal Year.
  • Be responsible for the minutes of all meetings of the Board and WVAND.
  • Provide a copy of the Board minutes to the WVAND President to be included with the agenda. A permanent record of minutes will be maintained.
  • Be responsible for keeping the official files of the names, mailing addresses, and email addresses of the members of WVAND as received from AND.
  • Communicate the business of the Association by electronic mail to all members who have supplied an email address.
  • In conjunction with the chair of Nominating Committee, see that the official ballot of WVAND is sent not less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the closing of the polls to each member of WVAND eligible to vote. Notice must also be given that each eligible member may cast one vote for each officer and on any other matters upon which a vote of the member is required.
  • Receive from the Tellers Committee the report of duly elected officers and numerical results of election. File a numerical count for reference in the event of a vacancy in an office (Chair, Nominating Committee, for example).
  • Give notification promptly to all candidates on the ballot as to the outcome of the election.
  • Post notice of all WVAND meetings on the WVAND website (www.eatrightwv.org ), not less than fifteen (15) or more than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the meeting. Send to all members of WVAND notice of all WVAND meetings.
  • Send out reporting form to committee chairs 2 weeks prior to meetings.
  • Submit a budget for the office of Secretary to the Finance Committee for consideration.
  • Send notice to the Board of any workshops or meetings. Attend the Board Workshop and all Board meetings.
  • Be responsible for obtaining updates of the membership list from AND for use in mailings.
  • Submit an updated list of members and non-members to Brian Morgan (Web Master) quarterly for listserv e-mailing. Quarters are as listed:
    • Quarter 1: June 1-August 31
    • Quarter 2: September 1-November 30
    • Quarter 3: December 1-Feb 28
    • Quarter 4: March 1-June1
  • Maintain and update files for submission to successor.
  • Review and recommend revisions in the WVAND Bylaws and the Board Operational Guidelines relative to the office of Secretary.
  • Have any and all other powers and duties usually vested in the office of Secretary.

Lauren Wilson is a registered dietitian born and raised in Parkersburg, West Virginia. She received her degree and completed her internship at Marshall University with a minor in biology. Currently, she counsels and educates veterans at the Huntington VA as a clinical primary care dietitian serving to help others improve their lives with a whole-health approach. There, she also leads the Healthy Teaching Kitchen, (a program designed to help veterans enrolled in the mental health program enhance their well-being through nutrition) and serves on the oncology committee.


Catherine Shaw, RD, CSOWM, LD
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The Chair of the Council on Professional Issues will serve for one year. The Chair of Council on Professional Issues will: 1. Serve as program chair for the educational meeting(s) of the West Virginia Academy. 2. Serve as a liaison with the Program Planning Committee

Cathy Shaw serves as the current West Virginia affiliate representative to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics House of Delegates. She is a registered and licensed dietitian and a certified specialist in obesity and weight management. She has over 27 years of experience and an RD and is currently the registered dietitian for the Medical Weight Management Program at WVU Medicine. She has been a member of the Academy since she was a student and is a firm believer that her membership provides her with resources and opportunities she would not otherwise have. She has found a true home in the company of so many incredible dietitians throughout the state of West Virginia and beyond, each bringing their own knowledge and expertise to the table to help make West Virginia, and the world, a healthier place for all.

Public Policy Committee Chair

Helenia Sedoski, MS, RD, LD
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The Public Policy Coordinator will:

  1. Assume office at the beginning of the new Fiscal Year, as determined by the Board. This is a position appointed by the WVAND President-Elect. It is recommended that this be a three (3) year consecutive appointment.
  2. Be a voting member of the Board.
  3. Submit a written report of the PPC activities prior to each meeting of the Board.
  4. Serve as a link between the AND Legislative staff, the WVAND Board and the District Dietetic Association LNCs or Legislative Chair.
  5. Maintain a communication network within the state to provide “grass roots” information and input into AND legislative activities
  6. Write articles for the Bulletin/Newsletter each time of publication.
  7. Attend the AND Public Policy workshop, if WVAND budget permits.
  8. Represent legislative matters of WVAND to the AND.
  9. Plan and implement all legislative activities for WVAND, with the approval of the Board. Keep abreast of legislative actions impacting the dietetics profession.
  10. Monitor all legislation affecting the practice of dietetics and nutrition in the state of West Virginia. Attend the meetings of the West Virginia Board of Licensed Dietitians (WVBOLD). Keep WVAND apprised of all legislative activities of WVBOLD.
  11. Recommend lobbyist to the Board. Participate in development of lobbyist’s contract and job expectations. Monitor lobbyist’s activities and keep WVAND apprised of all legislative activities through written reports to the WVAND President.
  12. Submit a budget for LNC to the Finance Committee for consideration.
  13. Participate in the Board workshop to orient incoming Board members.
  14. Review and recommend revisions in Board Policy and Procedure Document relative to LNC.
  15. Maintain and update files for currency and submission to successor.

Helenia received her bachelor's and master's degrees at WVU. She has been a Registered Dietitian since 2011. She has worked in long term care, in-patient, community programs, education and out-patient care. She currently works as an out-patient dietitian for WVU Medicine in Pediatrics and OB/GYN, with Princeton Community Hospital with telehealth services and owns a private practice. She has served on WV Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Board as treasurer and State Policy Representative in the past. Helenia has a passion for helping others develop a good relationship with food and looks forward to helping the field of Dietetics grow.

Communications/State Media Committee Chair

Rachel Sallade, MS, RD, LD
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The Public Relations Chair will:

  1. Assume office at the beginning of the new Fiscal Year, as determined by the Board. This is a position appointed by the President-Elect of WVDA. It is recommended that this Chair be appointed for two (2) consecutive years.
  2. Be a voting member of the Board.
  3. Submit a written report of Public Relations activities for distribution prior to each meeting of the Board.
  4. Serve as a link between the ADA and WVDA.
  5. Send news items to ADA Journal, and to the Editor of the WVDA Bulletin/Newsletter. Material must be submitted to JADA two months in advance of desired publication.
  6. Plan all Public Relations activities for the State, including publicity, subject to the approval of the Board.
  7. Plan and coordinate the statewide program for National Nutrition Month. Communicate with the district Public Relation Chair and encourage them to emphasize and publicize this event through media, seminars and educational displays.
  8. Prepare a report of all activities and submit to ADA.
  9. Prepare an annual plan of goals consistent with the Long Range Goals of WVDA.
  10. Submit a budget for Public Relations activities to the Finance Committee for Consideration.
  11. Participate in the Board workshop to orient incoming Board members.
  12. Review and recommend revisions in the Board Policy and Procedures Document relative to Public Relations.
  13. Maintain and update files for currency and submission to successor.

Rachel Sallade, MS, RD, LD completed her undergraduate degree in Human Nutrition and Foods at West Virginia University, and then went on to complete her masters degree and internship in Dietetics at Marshall University. She is passionate about community nutrition and improving health and food literacy of low income individuals. In the past, she worked as a Dietitian for The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). Currently, she is the Kanawha County Nutrition Educator for Marshall University's Nutrition Education Program (NEP) and a weight management consultant for the PEIA Weight Management Program in Charleston, WV. WVAND has been a huge part of her career as a Registered Dietitian, providing education, camaraderie, and amazing opportunities for growth.

Foundation/Fundraising Committee Chair

Jenna Boytek
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  1. Assume office at the beginning of the new Fiscal Year, as determined by the Board. This is a position appointed by the WVDA President-Elect. It is recommended that this position serve for more than one (1) year, as determined by the Board.
  2. Attend and participate in all WVDA Board meetings.
  3. Be a voting member of the Board.
  4. Serve as a liaison to WVDA for the American Dietetic Association Foundation. The ADAF communicates specific fundraising goals and will provide the tools and support to help each state chair reach their goals. Support that can be expected from ADAF includes: ADAF staff person serving as a liaison to state fundraising chairs; fundraising tips; fundraising resource kit and monthly communication.
  5. Plan activities within the State to help raise money for the foundation. Activities may include: phone-a-thons, direct mail campaigns, one-on-one solicitations, silent auctions, raffles and other special events.
  6. Send thank you notes/acknowledgements to major donors, such as raffle/auctions donors.
  7. Participate in state annual meeting with an informational table, have time on the agenda to raise funds for the ADAF.
  8. Contribute ADAF updates and news in WVDA Bulletin and list serves.
  9. Notify the Treasurer to send a check to ADA Foundation before the closing date of the campaign.
  10. Submit a budget to the Finance Committee for consideration.
  11. Participate in the Board workshop to orient incoming Board members.
  12. Participate in Affiliate Fundraising Chair Workshops at FNCE, when possible.
  13. Update and maintain files for currency and submission to successor.
  14. Review and recommend revisions in the WVDA Policy and Procedure manual relative to the committee.

Jenna L. Boytek MS, RD, LD is a West Virginia-based dietitian. She holds a Master of Science in Dietetics from Marshall University. After initial start at Marshall University as a chemistry major, She took a nutrition course and fell in love with the science behind food, after that, the rest was history!
After completing her dietetic internship at Marshall University, she worked as a clinical dietitian in local skilled nursing facilities and also lended her time as a PEIA nutrition educator. She continued her work in skilled nursing over the past decade and is now the Director of Clinical Operations for a multitude of skilled nursing centers in the Mountain State as well as the state of Kentucky.
Jenna specializes in the training and recruitment of dietitians with a mainstream goal to utilize the talents and grow in the wealth and knowledge of West Virginia RD’s.
Jenna has been a member of WVAND since graduating from Marshall University and takes great pride in the scientific, evidence-based research mentality of our Academy. She feels that their protection and support of West Virginia Dietitians is incomparable.
Jenna always takes the opportunity to give back to our prospective dietitians in West Virginia, taking an active role in shadowing and precepting across the state- She loves to instill the magnitude of opportunities for dietitians in her home state and also encourage that everything they do can create a positive effect on their patients, their community, and their profession.

Diversity & Inclusion Liaison

Angel Cunningham, RD
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Angel has been appointed to be WVAND’s first ever Diversity and Inclusion Liaison (DIL). Angel is a graduate of Marshall where she completed her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Dietetics as well as her Dietetic Internship. She is employed by the Bureau for Public Health as a Local Agency Nutrition Monitor. She will be serving WVAND by establishing our DIL’s position description and reporting structure. DILs in all states and Academy Dietetic Practice groups are charged with conducting diversity outreach events to promote the profession to diverse individuals and/or increase cultural competency of current practitioners.