Opportunities to Volunteer

Each year the West Virginia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics looks for members who are interested in volunteering with the organization. Volunteers serve on a committee for one year (start June 1). Time commitment varies depending on your availability. Committees generally communicate by email and conference calls.


Why volunteer?

              -- Help others.                                                           -- Make a difference.

              -- Find purpose.                                                        -- Enjoy a meaningful conversation.

              -- Connect with your community/profession.      -- Feel involved.

              -- Use your skills in a productive way.                    -- Recognition & respect.

              -- Contribute to a cause that you care about.       -- Broaden skills.


Indicate areas of interest via our online Opportunities to Volunteer. Completing the online form does not commit you to volunteering but lets us know you are interested.


Cycle with people with solid fill

Membership Committee – works to connect and engage dietitians, dietetic interns, and dietetic students in the state of West Virginia.

Diploma with solid fill

Professional Development Committee – plans continuing professional educational opportunities.

Court with solid fill

Legislative and Public Policy Committee – ensures WVAND members are engaged in state and federal legislative efforts to protect the public and support the roles of RDNs and DTRs.

Piggy Bank with solid fill

Foundation/Fundraising Committee – raises funds for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation and for WVAND scholarships.

Chat with solid fill

State Media and Communications Committee facilitates communications to WVAND members and the public via website, social media, email, television, and print.


If you have any questions, contact president-elect@eatrightwv.org. We hope to have you join our great group of leaders!