WVAND 2014 Annual Meeting Exhibitor Information Form

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Date of Conference:May 13-14, 2014
Exhibit Day:Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Thank you for supporting the West Virginia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Please check all that apply.
Profit - $300 - Table with cloth plus program listing and lunch provided
Nonprofit - $50 - Table with cloth plus program listing and lunch provided
Exhibit AV items
Electric hook-up (we will try to accommodate) Sorry, extension cords are not provided.
Program Advertising (please email photo-ready copy)
1/4-page advertisement - $50
1/2-page advertisement- $75
Full-page advertisement - $100
Registration packet or bag inserts - $50 (Must be received 2 weeks prior to conference)
Sponsor a break - $500 (Exhibit table fee waived; lunch, program listing and recognition of break sponsorship provided)
Sponsor registration bags - $500 (Exhibit table fee waived; lunch, program listing and 2 bag inserts)
Sponsor a speaker - Free (Exhibit table fee waived; lunch, program listing, 2 free meeting registration, up to 2 bag inserts)
Total of all checked line items

By checking this box, you agree to accept the exhibit space assigned by WVAND. You understand that submitting this form binds you to payment. This is a contractual agreement to exhibit at the WVAND annual meeting on May 14, 2014. No refunds will be issued.

Please click the Pay Now link below to complete your registration through PayPal.

By Clicking Pay Now above, you will be taken to the PayPal Payment Center where you can pay with an existing PayPal account. Don't have a PayPal account or do not want to use your existing PayPal account? From the PayPal Payment Center, choose the option that says "Use your credit card or bank account (where available)" to pay with a credit card.

Questions?: Heather Dyson, (304) 657-9668, dysonh@wvuhealthcare.com

Tax ID: WVDA Fed Tax ID # 26-0864096 Status 501 C 6